Sunday, 3 February 2013

A Road To Japan: Interview Time!

Ok. So I had my interview on the 15th Jan. I haven't written about it before now as the last couple of weeks have been pretty busy with work and stuff. Plus I kind of realised it might not be such a good idea just yet to post everything that happened and the questions I was asked until after the results are out. So check back in a few weeks for an update on this post and I'll tell you exactly what happened.

What I can tell you is that I pretty much spent the whole week before cramming as much knowledge as I possibly could into my little brain because I just didn't know what I would be asked. I must have covered current affairs both in Japan and the UK, the political system, geography and history. I revised some key phrases I knew in case I was asked anything in Japanese and made sure I knew who was who. My room must have looked like a hurricane had passed through a library by the end of the week. It actually quite surprised me just how much information I managed to fit into my head in the space of those few days. And you know what? After all that it turned out that I didn't need about 90% of it!

Nevertheless, I now have a wider knowledge on Japan that I'm sure will benefit me and it was really interesting to learn all the facts I did. Whilst in my case I didn't need all the info I gathered, I do know people that were asked about the things I researched, so I highly recommend that anyone prepping for an interview in the future makes sure they know what's what.

Anyway, I came out smiling from my interview, so I can only hope that it went ok. I had some funny experiences along the way which I will write all about once results are out. Until then, I shall keep my fingers crossed and hope for the best! :)
