Sunday, 30 June 2013

A Road To Japan: Where Do I Start???

My beautiful flowers and cards from the Media Department
Ahhhhh! Seriously, where do I actually begin? I have 32 days left until I depart my wonderful homeland and I have so much to do. Right at this moment I am actually feeling a huge mix of emotions, excitement for what is about to happen and sadness for everything I am leaving.
I finally finished work last Friday and it felt so strange leaving, knowing that I will probably never go back there or see some of the people I have worked with for the last 4 1/2 years again. It's quite am emotional roller coaster this whole moving to Japan thing! 
Everyone has been so lovely to me and I received some amazing gifts and messages inside my leaving cards. Whilst I know that this is what I want to do and the very best thing for my future, I cant help but feel sadness for those that I am saying goodbye to here. I have some amazing people in my life that I have learnt so much from over the years. Some of them have been a true inspiration to me and helped me to get to where I am today. Most of all I am going to miss my family; they have been there for me through everything and always offered support when I need it. I love them deeply.
Some of my lovely friends and I out celebrating the end of year, it has been a long one!
All of this has made me realise just how strong and determined a person you have to be in order to uproot yourself from the soil in which you have grown your whole life and move to another plot of land. It's really not for the faint-hearted. I sincerely hope that I can hold strong through the ups and downs that are inescapable when you say goodbye to your world and set off into a whole new one. But I suppose that every adventure comes at a price; in order to grow we sometimes have to leave those we love behind...