Wednesday, 31 July 2013

A Road To Japan: Farewell...

Well, I guess this will be my very last update before I leave for Japan. I have to pack up my laptop after this and add it to the box of things I am shipping out to Sendai. I seriously cannot believe that in 3 days time I will be departing England and setting off for my new life in Japan. The emotions and feelings I have right now are kind of indescribable. Leaving your family and loved ones is an emotional rollercoaster and I know come Saturday morning I am going to be crying my eyes out. It's silly, I know. I am not leaving them forever and we'll talk online and stuff. But when you've lived your whole life in one place knowing that your family are only a short distance away, your friends are all around you and all these places you see everyday are so familiar, so safe; you are a part of a little world. To suddenly uproot yourself from that world is a very difficult thing to do for someone like me that has never lived anywhere different.

I've always been a dreamer, someone that wants to do grand things in her life but has never had the courage to actually do them. I've quite surprised myself in doing this as I never thought that I would be strong enough to push myself into doing something so bold. But sometimes you really do have to take that leap of faith into the unknown. You can become stagnant in one place if you linger there too long. If you are an adventurous soul deep inside, limiting yourself will only bring you down in the end.

When I was a young girl, I only ever wanted one thing: I wanted to fly. As silly as that might sound now, I so longed to be like a bird and have the chance to spread my wings and fly away. I imagined how wonderful it would be to have no cares, no ties, to be able to just go wherever you liked. It's easy to forget the dreams we have as children, to forget the people we are inside. Life becomes so demanding and your day is filled with things that seem to take up so much of your time. But I think it's important to stop sometimes and listen to that inner person, and to realise what he or she really wants; are we being true to ourselves?

I don't know how the next few weeks will unfold. I don't know what Japan will hold for me or what I will learn from it. But all I do know is that I am ready for the biggest adventure my life has yet faced, and just like the little bird that I so wanted to be, I'm going to spread my wings and fly.

I have probably rambled on far too much again. I seem to have a habit of that once I start writing on here. Hopefully the next post I make will be filled with exciting things from my new life.

Farewell for now.

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